
The DNS service supports the following record types with standard and extra types.

Standard DNS record types

TypePortalAPI or CLIDescription
AXXAdd an “A” record that points your domain or a subdomain to an IP address.
AAAAXXAdd an “AAAA” record that points your domain to an IPv6 address. These records are the same as A records except they use IPv6 addresses.
CAAXAdd a “CAA” record to your domain. Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) record is used to specify which certificate authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue certificates for a domain. Transferring CAA records to secondary name servers is not supported.
CNAMEXXAdd a “CNAME” record that aliases a subdomain to another host. These types of records are used when a server is reached by several names. Only use CNAME records on subdomains.
HINFOXXAdd an “HINFO” record is used to describe the CPU and OS of a host.
MXXXAdd a mail exchange record that points to a mail server or relay. These types of records are used to describe which servers handle incoming email.
NAPTRXXAdd an “NAPTR” record to provide a means to map a resource that is not in the domain name syntax to a label that is. More information can be found in RFC 2915.
NSXXAdd an “NS” record the delegates a domain to another name server. You may only delegate subdomains (for example subdomain.yourdomain.com).
SPFXXAdd an “SPF” record to indicate what hosts and addresses are allowed to send mail from your domain. When creating an SPF record we will automatically create a corresponding TXT record for you as some older mail exchanges require a TXT version of the SPF record.
SRVXXAdd an “SRV” record to specify the location of servers for a specific service.
SSHFPXXEdit an “SSHFP” record to share your SSH fingerprint with others.
TXTXXAdd a “TXT” record. This is useful for domain records that are not covered by the standard record types. For example, Google uses this type of record for domain verification.

Extra DNS record types

TypePortalAPI or CLIDescription
URLXXAdd an URL redirection record that points your domain to a URL. This type of record uses an HTTP redirect to redirect visitors from a domain to a web site.
POOLXXAdd a “POOL” record that aliases a subdomain to another host as part of a pool of available CNAME records. This is a DNSimple custom record type.
ALIASXXAdd an “ALIAS” record. An ALIAS record is a special record that will map a domain to another domain transparently. It can be used like a CNAME but for a name with other records, like the root. When the record is resolved it will look up the A records for the aliased domain and return those as the records for the record name. Note: If you want to redirect to a URL, use a URL record instead.