exo compute
exo compute [command] [flags]
Option | Description |
--help, -h | help for compute |
Options inherited from parent commands
Option | Description |
--config, -C | Specify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG] |
--output-format, -O | Output format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information |
--output-template | Template to use if output format is "text" |
--quiet, -Q | Quiet mode (disable non-essential command output) |
--use-account, -A | Account to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT] |
Related Commands
exo - Manage your Exoscale infrastructure easily
exo compute anti-affinity-group - Anti-Affinity Groups management
exo compute block-storage - Block Storage management
exo compute deploy-target - Compute instance Deploy Targets management
exo compute elastic-ip - Elastic IP addresses management
exo compute instance - Compute instances management
exo compute instance-pool - Instance Pools management
exo compute instance-template - Compute instance templates management
exo compute instance-type - Compute instance types management
exo compute load-balancer - Network Load Balancers management
exo compute private-network - Private Networks management
exo compute security-group - Security Groups management
exo compute sks - Scalable Kubernetes Service management
exo compute ssh-key - SSH keys management