exo compute instance ssh


This command connects to a Compute instance via SSH (requires the ssh(1) command).

To pass custom SSH options:

exo compute instance ssh -o "-p 2222 -A" my-instance
exo compute instance ssh INSTANCE-NAME|ID [flags]


--help, -hhelp for ssh
--ipv6, -6
--login, -l
--print-commandprint the SSH command that would be executed instead of executing it
--print-ssh-configprint the corresponding SSH information in a format compatible with ssh_config(5)
--ssh-options, -oadditional options to pass to the ssh(1) command
--zone, -zinstance zone

Options inherited from parent commands

--config, -CSpecify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG]
--output-format, -OOutput format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information
--output-templateTemplate to use if output format is "text"
--quiet, -QQuiet mode (disable non-essential command output)
--use-account, -AAccount to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT]

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