exo compute load-balancer service add


This command adds a service to a Network Load Balancer.

Supported output template annotations: .ID, .Name, .Description, .InstancePoolID, .Protocol, .Port, .TargetPort, .Strategy, .Healthcheck, .HealthcheckStatus, .State

exo compute load-balancer service add LOAD-BALANCER-NAME|ID SERVICE-NAME [flags]


--descriptionservice description
--healthcheck-intervalservice health checking interval in seconds
--healthcheck-modeservice health checking mode (tcp|http|https)
--healthcheck-portservice health checking port (defaults to target port)
--healthcheck-retriesservice health checking retries
--healthcheck-timeoutservice health checking timeout in seconds
--healthcheck-tls-sniservice health checking server name to present with SNI in https mode
--healthcheck-uriservice health checking URI (required in http(s) mode)
--help, -hhelp for add
--instance-poolname or ID of the Instance Pool to forward traffic to
--portservice port
--protocolservice network protocol (tcp|udp)
--strategyload balancing strategy (round-robin|source-hash)
--target-portport to forward traffic to on target instances (defaults to service port)
--zone, -zNetwork Load Balancer zone

Options inherited from parent commands

--config, -CSpecify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG]
--output-format, -OOutput format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information
--output-templateTemplate to use if output format is "text"
--quiet, -QQuiet mode (disable non-essential command output)
--use-account, -AAccount to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT]

Related Commands

  • service - Manage Network Load Balancer services