exo compute private-network create


This command creates a Compute instance Private Network.

Supported output template annotations: .ID, .Name, .Description, .Zone, .Type, .StartIP, .EndIP, .Netmask, .Leases, .Options

exo compute private-network create NAME [flags]


--descriptionPrivate Network description
--dns-serverDHCP option 6: DNS servers (can be specified multiple times)
--domain-searchDHCP option 119: domain search list (limited to 255 octets, can be specified multiple times)
--end-ipPrivate Network range end IP address
--help, -hhelp for create
--netmaskDHCP option 1: Subnet netmask
--ntp-serverDHCP option 42: NTP servers (can be specified multiple times)
--routerDHCP option 3: Routers (can be specified multiple times)
--start-ipPrivate Network range start IP address
--zone, -zPrivate Network zone

Options inherited from parent commands

--config, -CSpecify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG]
--output-format, -OOutput format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information
--output-templateTemplate to use if output format is "text"
--quiet, -QQuiet mode (disable non-essential command output)
--use-account, -AAccount to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT]

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