exo compute sks kubeconfig
This command generates a kubeconfig file to be used for authenticating to an SKS cluster API.
The “user” command argument corresponds to the CN field of the generated X.509 client certificate. Optionally, you can specify client certificate groups using the “-g|–group” option: those groups will be set in the “O” field of the certificate. See 1 for more information about Kubernetes authentication certificates.
Example usage:
# Obtain "cluster-admin" credentials
$ exo compute sks kubeconfig my-cluster admin \
--zone de-fra-1 \
-g system:masters \
-t $((86400 * 7)) > $HOME/.kube/my-cluster.config
$ kubeconfig --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/my-cluster.config get pods
Note: if no TTL value is specified, the API applies a default value as a safety measure. Please look up the API documentation for more information.
Using exo CLI as Kubernetes credential plugin
If you wish to avoid leaving sensitive credentials on your system, you can use exo CLI as a Kubernetes client-go credential plugin2 to generate and return a kubeconfig dynamically when invoked by kubectl without storing it on disk.
To achieve this configuration, edit your kubeconfig file so that the “users” section relating to your cluster (“my-sks-cluster” in the following example) looks like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: my-sks-cluster
certificate-authority-data: **BASE64-ENCODED CLUSTER CERTIFICATE**
server: https://153fcc53-1197-46ae-a8e0-ccf6d09efcb0.sks-ch-gva-2.exo.io:443
- name: exo@my-sks-cluster
# The "exec" section replaces "client-certificate-data"/"client-key-data"
apiVersion: "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1"
command: exo
- sks
- kubeconfig
- my-sks-cluster
- --zone=ch-gva-2
- --exec-credential
- user
- name: my-sks-cluster
cluster: my-sks-cluster
user: exo@my-sks-cluster
current-context: my-sks-cluster
- The “exo” CLI binary must be installed in a directory listed in your PATH shell environment variable.
- You can specify the “–group” flag in the user.exec.args section referencing a non-admin group to restrict the privileges of the operator using kubectl.
exo compute sks kubeconfig CLUSTER-NAME|ID USER [flags]
Option | Description |
--exec-credential, -x | output an ExecCredential object to use with a kubeconfig user.exec mode |
--group, -g | client certificate group. Can be specified multiple times. Defaults to system:masters |
--help, -h | help for kubeconfig |
--ttl, -t | client certificate validity duration in seconds |
--zone, -z | SKS cluster zone |
Options inherited from parent commands
Option | Description |
--config, -C | Specify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG] |
--output-format, -O | Output format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information |
--output-template | Template to use if output format is "text" |
--quiet, -Q | Quiet mode (disable non-essential command output) |
--use-account, -A | Account to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT] |
Related Commands
- sks - Scalable Kubernetes Service management