exo dbaas external-endpoint update


Update an existing external endpoint for DBaaS

exo dbaas external-endpoint update TYPE ID [flags]


--datadog-api-keyDatadog API key
--datadog-disable-consumer-statsDisable consumer group metrics
--datadog-kafka-consumer-check-instancesNumber of separate instances to fetch kafka consumer statistics with
--datadog-kafka-consumer-stats-timeoutNumber of seconds that datadog will wait to get consumer statistics from brokers
--datadog-max-partition-contextsMaximum number of partition contexts to send
--datadog-siteDatadog intake site. Defaults to datadoghq.com
--datadog-tagsDatadog tags. Example. '[{"comment": "ex", "tag": "aiven-asdfasda"}]'
--elasticsearch-caPEM encoded CA certificate
--elasticsearch-index-days-maxMaximum number of days of logs to keep
--elasticsearch-index-prefixElasticsearch index prefix
--elasticsearch-timeoutElasticsearch request timeout limit
--elasticsearch-urlElasticsearch connection URL
--help, -hhelp for update
--help-datadogshow usage for flags specific to the datadog external endpoint type
--help-elasticsearchshow usage for flags specific to the elasticsearch external endpoint type
--help-opensearchshow usage for flags specific to the opensearch external endpoint type
--help-prometheusshow usage for flags specific to the prometheus external endpoint type
--help-rsyslogshow usage for flags specific to the rsyslog external endpoint type
--opensearch-caPEM encoded CA certificate
--opensearch-index-days-maxMaximum number of days of logs to keep
--opensearch-index-prefixOpenSearch index prefix
--opensearch-timeoutOpenSearch request timeout limit
--opensearch-urlOpenSearch connection URL
--prometheus-basic-auth-passwordPrometheus basic authentication password
--prometheus-basic-auth-usernamePrometheus basic authentication username
--rsyslog-caPEM encoded CA certificate
--rsyslog-certPEM encoded client certificate
--rsyslog-formatMessage format
--rsyslog-keyPEM encoded client key
--rsyslog-loglineCustom syslog message format
--rsyslog-max-message-sizeRsyslog max message size
--rsyslog-portRsyslog server port
--rsyslog-sdStructured data block for log message
--rsyslog-serverRsyslog server IP address or hostname
--rsyslog-tlsRequire TLS

Options inherited from parent commands

--config, -CSpecify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG]
--output-format, -OOutput format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information
--output-templateTemplate to use if output format is "text"
--quiet, -QQuiet mode (disable non-essential command output)
--use-account, -AAccount to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT]

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