exo dbaas user reset-credentials


This command resets the credentials of a DBAAS user for the specified service.

exo dbaas user reset-credentials NAME USERNAME [flags]


--help, -hhelp for reset-credentials
--help-mysqlshow usage for flags specific to the mysql type
--mysql-auhentication-methodauthentication method to be used ("caching_sha2_password" or "mysql_native_password").
--passwordUse a specific password instead of an automatically generated one
--zone, -zDatabase Service zone

Options inherited from parent commands

--config, -CSpecify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG]
--output-format, -OOutput format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information
--output-templateTemplate to use if output format is "text"
--quiet, -QQuiet mode (disable non-essential command output)
--use-account, -AAccount to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT]

Related Commands

  • user - Manage DBaaS users