exo storage headers delete


This command deletes response HTTP headers from objects.


exo storage headers delete sos://my-bucket/data.json \
    --cache-control \

Note: the “Content-Type” header cannot be removed, it is reset to its default value “application/binary”.

Supported output template annotations: .Path, .Bucket, .LastModified, .Size, .ACL, .Metadata, .Headers, .URL

exo storage headers delete sos://BUCKET/(OBJECT|PREFIX/) [flags]


--cache-controldelete the "Cache-Control" header
--content-dispositiondelete the "Content-Disposition" header
--content-encodingdelete the "Content-Encoding" header
--content-languagedelete the "Content-Language" header
--content-typedelete the "Content-Type" header
--expiresdelete the "Expires" header
--help, -hhelp for delete
--recursive, -rdelete headers recursively (with object prefix only)

Options inherited from parent commands

--config, -CSpecify an alternate config file [env EXOSCALE_CONFIG]
--output-format, -OOutput format (table|json|text), see "exo output –help" for more information
--output-templateTemplate to use if output format is "text"
--quiet, -QQuiet mode (disable non-essential command output)
--use-account, -AAccount to use in config file [env EXOSCALE_ACCOUNT]

Related Commands

  • headers - Manage objects HTTP headers