exoscale_compute_instance_list (Data Source)
List Exoscale Compute Instances.
Corresponding resource: exoscale_compute_instance.
Example Usage
data "exoscale_compute_instance_list" "my_compute_instance_list" {
zone = "ch-gva-2"
type = "standard.micro"
name = "/.*ubuntu.*/"
labels = {
"customer" = "/.*bank.*/"
"contract" = "premium-support"
output "my_compute_instance_ids" {
value = join("\n", formatlist(
"%s", data.exoscale_compute_instance_list.my_compute_instance_list.instances.*.id
Please refer to the examples directory for complete configuration examples.
(String) The Exoscale Zone name.
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.deploy_target_id
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.disk_size
(Number) Match against this intid
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.ipv6
(Boolean) Match against this boolipv6_address
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.labels
(Map of String) Match against key/values. Keys are matched exactly, while values may be matched as a regex if you supply a string that begins and ends with “/”manager_id
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.manager_type
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.name
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.public_ip_address
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.reverse_dns
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.ssh_key
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.state
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.template_id
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.type
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.user_data
(String) Match against this string. If you supply a string that begins and ends with a “/” it will be matched as a regex.
(List of Object) The list of exoscale_compute_instance. (see below for nested schema)
Nested Schema for instances
(Set of String)created_at
(Set of String)id
(Map of String)manager_id
(Set of String)public_ip_address
(Set of String)ssh_key
(Set of String)state