Migration of Security Group Rules

Migrating from security_group_rules to security_group

-> This migration guide applies to Exoscale Terraform Provider version 0.31.3 to 0.53.2.

This page helps you migrate from an exoscale_security_group_rules resource (which is deprecated) to a set of exoscale_security_group_rule.

~> Note: Before migrating exoscale_security_group_rules resources you need to ensure you use the latest version of Terraform and have a clean configuration.

Before proceeding, please:

  • Upgrade the Exoscale provider to at least v0.31.3: allow us to run terraform import on exoscale_security_group and exoscale_security_group_rule resources.
  • Ensure your configuration can be successfully applied: terraform plan must NOT output errors, changes, or moves of resources
  • Have the Exoscale cli to retrieve IDs of security groups and security group rules
  • Perform a backup of your state! We are going to manipulate it, and errors can always happen. Remote states can be retrieved with terraform state pull and restored with terraform state push. If you keep your state as a single local file, a regular file copy can do the job.

Example configuration

In this guide, we will assume the following configuration as an example:

resource "exoscale_security_group" "webapp" {
  name = "webapp"
  # ...

resource "exoscale_security_group" "bastion" {
  name = "bastion"
  # ...

resource "exoscale_security_group_rules" "webapp" {
  security_group_id = exoscale_security_group.webapp.id

  ingress {
    ports = ["22"]
    protocol = "TCP"
    user_security_group_list = [exoscale_security_group.bastion.name]

  ingress {
    ports = ["80"]
    protocol = "TCP"
    cidr_list = [""]

  ingress {
    ports = ["443"]
    protocol = "TCP"
    cidr_list = [""]

As you can see, we have a security group with an associated security_group_rules resource that:

  • allows access from every IPv4 address to ports 80 and 443, and
  • allows access to port 22 from hosts that belongs to another security group named bastion.

From the Exoscale cli, we can retrieve information for every security group:

exo compute sg list
# [output]
# ┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼
# │                  ID                  │  NAME   │
# ┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼
# │ b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa │ webapp  │
# │ e1654b58-64f6-4efc-b8d9-7bbda86a83fa │ bastion │
# │ a0191fd7-1275-4614-9fed-be6f19a770a0 │ default │
# ┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼

The Terraform state contains them as well:

terraform state list
# [output]
# exoscale_security_group.bastion
# exoscale_security_group.webapp
# exoscale_security_group_rules.webapp

We want to migrate the single exoscale_security_group_rules.webapp to 3 different exoscale_security_group_rule resources, as we have 3 different ingress rules.

~> Note: If in your exoscale_security_group_rules definition ingress and/or egress blocks define multiple ports or port ranges (as ports attribute is an array), you need to define one exoscale_security_group_rule for each port or port range as multiple values per rule are no longer allowed.

Migration plan

To achieve this migration, we have to remove from the state:

  • exoscale_security_group.webapp
  • ALL rules that belongs to exoscale_security_group.webapp. In our case: exoscale_security_group_rules.webapp

After these resources are removed from the state, we will have to import exoscale_security_group.webapp back as well as related security group rules as exoscale_security_group_rule resources.

Applying the migration plan

Removing the security group from the state

This step is pretty straightforward: we will have to issue a terraform state rm command for each resources we have to remove from the state. In our example, we have to remove exoscale_security_group.webapp, and exoscale_security_group_rules.webapp:

terraform state rm exoscale_security_group_rules.webapp
# [output]
# Removed exoscale_security_group_rules.webapp
# Successfully removed 1 resource instance(s).

terraform state rm exoscale_security_group.webapp
# [output]
# Removed exoscale_security_group.webapp
# Successfully removed 1 resource instance(s).

Now, these resources are removed from the state.

Update infrastructure definition

Replace the exoscale_security_group_rules block by new exoscale_security_group_rule resources:

resource "exoscale_security_group_rule" "webapp_ssh" {
  security_group_id = exoscale_security_group.webapp.id
  type = "INGRESS"
  start_port = 22
  end_port   = 22
  protocol = "TCP"
  user_security_group_id = exoscale_security_group.bastion.id

resource "exoscale_security_group_rule" "webapp_public" {
  for_each = toset(["80", "443"])

  security_group_id = exoscale_security_group.webapp.id
  type = "INGRESS"
  start_port = each.value
  end_port   = each.value
  protocol = "TCP"
  cidr = ""

Note that we can of course imagine 3 single resource blocks: webapp_http and webapp_https replacing webapp_public in addition to webapp_ssh. In our example we tried instead to follow the semantic behind each rule, and group them:

  • webapp_ssh allows access to SSH through a bastion security group
  • webapp_public allows access to HTTP(S) services, on both port 80 and 443, leveraging the for_each notation of Terraform.

Importing the security group and related rules into the state

Using the Exoscale cli, we can find the ID of the webapp security group:

exo compute sg list
# [output]
# ┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼
# │                  ID                  │  NAME   │
# ┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼
# │ b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa │ webapp  │
# │ e1654b58-64f6-4efc-b8d9-7bbda86a83fa │ bastion │
# │ a0191fd7-1275-4614-9fed-be6f19a770a0 │ default │
# ┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼

In our case, it’s b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa. Let’s import this resource:

terraform import exoscale_security_group.webapp b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa
# [output]
# exoscale_security_group.webapp: Importing from ID "b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa"...
# exoscale_security_group.webapp: Import prepared!
#   Prepared exoscale_security_group for import
# exoscale_security_group.webapp: Refreshing state... [id=b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa]
# Import successful!
# The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
# your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

As you can see, and as expected, the import process imported exoscale_security_group.webapp. We also need to import related exoscale_security_group_rule resources. To find their IDs, we must use CLI again:

exo c security-group show b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa
│  SECURITY GROUP  │                                                                     │
│ ID               │ b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa                                │
│ Name             │ webapp                                                              │
│ Description      │                                                                     │
│ Ingress Rules    │                                                                     │
│                  │   5dafa58d-ba4d-4990-b66d-2996782ee3f3      TCP   22│                  │   e7bbda2b-3c93-4693-a54c-465ac28bda59      TCP   443│                  │   0a187bd0-b5dc-4a58-bab2-44bc7064b83b      TCP   80│                  │                                                                     │
│ Egress Rules     │ -                                                                   │
│ External Sources │ -                                                                   │

Security group rule IDs can by found in Ingress Rules: 5dafa58d-ba4d-4990-b66d-2996782ee3f3, e7bbda2b-3c93-4693-a54c-465ac28bda59 and 0a187bd0-b5dc-4a58-bab2-44bc7064b83b. Now we can import them one by one:

terraform import exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_ssh b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa/5dafa58d-ba4d-4990-b66d-2996782ee3f3
# [output]
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_ssh: Importing from ID "b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa/5dafa58d-ba4d-4990-b66d-2996782ee3f3"...
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_ssh: Import prepared!
#   Prepared exoscale_security_group_rule for import
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_ssh: Refreshing state... [id=5dafa58d-ba4d-4990-b66d-2996782ee3f3]
# Import successful!
# The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
# your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

terraform import 'exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["443"]' b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa/e7bbda2b-3c93-4693-a54c-465ac28bda59
# [output]
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["443"]: Importing from ID "b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa/e7bbda2b-3c93-4693-a54c-465ac28bda59"...
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["443"]: Import prepared!
#   Prepared exoscale_security_group_rule for import
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["443"]: Refreshing state... [id=e7bbda2b-3c93-4693-a54c-465ac28bda59]
# Import successful!
# The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
# your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

terraform import 'exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["80"]' b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa/0a187bd0-b5dc-4a58-bab2-44bc7064b83b
# [output]
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["80"]: Importing from ID "b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa/0a187bd0-b5dc-4a58-bab2-44bc7064b83b"...
# exoscale_security_group.webapp_public["80"]: Import prepared!
#   Prepared exoscale_security_group_rule for import
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["80"]: Refreshing state... [id=0a187bd0-b5dc-4a58-bab2-44bc7064b83b]
# Import successful!
# The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
# your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

In order to check this result and display details on newly imported rules, we have to run terraform plan:

terraform apply
# [output]
# exoscale_security_group.webapp: Refreshing state... [id=b83fe506-51e6-4933-8e70-205df6b640fa]
# exoscale_security_group.bastion: Refreshing state... [id=e1654b58-64f6-4efc-b8d9-7bbda86a83fa]
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_ssh: Refreshing state... [id=5dafa58d-ba4d-4990-b66d-2996782ee3f3]
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["80"]: Refreshing state... [id=0a187bd0-b5dc-4a58-bab2-44bc7064b83b]
# exoscale_security_group_rule.webapp_public["443"]: Refreshing state... [id=e7bbda2b-3c93-4693-a54c-465ac28bda59]
# No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
# Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

Here we can see that our configuration is matching the state: no resources will be changed. Now we have finished replacing exoscale_security_group_rules with a set of exoscale_security_group_rule. Our Terraform state matches the related configuration, so migration is completely done.