exoscale_elastic_ip (Resource)

Manage Exoscale Elastic IPs (EIP).

Corresponding data source: exoscale_elastic_ip.

Example Usage

Unmanaged EIPv4:

resource "exoscale_elastic_ip" "my_elastic_ip" {
  zone = "ch-gva-2"

Managed EIPv6:

resource "exoscale_elastic_ip" "my_managed_elastic_ip" {
  zone = "ch-gva-2"
  address_family = "inet6"
  reverse_dns = "example.net"

  healthcheck {
    mode         = "https"
    port         = 443
    uri          = "/health"
    interval     = 5
    timeout      = 3
    strikes_ok   = 2
    strikes_fail = 3
    tls_sni      = "example.net"

Please refer to the examples directory for complete configuration examples.



  • zone (String) ❗ The Exoscale Zone name.


  • address_family (String) ❗ The Elastic IP (EIP) address family (inet4 or inet6; default: inet4).
  • description (String) A free-form text describing the Elastic IP (EIP).
  • healthcheck (Block List, Max: 1) Healthcheck configuration for managed EIPs. It can not be added to an existing Unmanaged EIP. (see below for nested schema)
  • labels (Map of String) A map of key/value labels.
  • reverse_dns (String) Domain name for reverse DNS record.
  • timeouts (Block, Optional) (see below for nested schema)


  • cidr (String) The Elastic IP (EIP) CIDR.
  • id (String) The ID of this resource.
  • ip_address (String) The Elastic IP (EIP) IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Nested Schema for healthcheck


  • mode (String) The healthcheck mode (tcp, http or https; may only be set at creation time).
  • port (Number) The healthcheck target port (must be between 1 and 65535).


  • interval (Number) The healthcheck interval (seconds; must be between 5 and 300; default: 10).
  • strikes_fail (Number) The number of failed healthcheck attempts before considering the target unhealthy (must be between 1 and 20; default: 2).
  • strikes_ok (Number) The number of successful healthcheck attempts before considering the target healthy (must be between 1 and 20; default: 3).
  • timeout (Number) The time before considering a healthcheck probing failed (seconds; must be between 2 and 60; default: 3).
  • tls_skip_verify (Boolean) Disable TLS certificate verification for healthcheck in https mode (boolean; default: false).
  • tls_sni (String) The healthcheck server name to present with SNI in https mode.
  • uri (String) The healthcheck target URI (required in http(s) modes).

Nested Schema for timeouts


  • create (String)
  • delete (String)
  • read (String)
  • update (String)

-> The symbol ❗ in an attribute indicates that modifying it, will force the creation of a new resource.


An existing Elastic IP (EIP) may be imported by <ID>@<zone>:

terraform import \
  exoscale_elastic_ip.my_elastic_ip \