exoscale_iam_access_key (Resource)

Manage Exoscale IAM Access Keys

!> WARNING: This resource stores sensitive information in your Terraform state. Please be sure to correctly understand implications and how to mitigate potential risks before using it.

Example Usage

resource "exoscale_iam_access_key" "my_sos_access_key" {
  name       = "my-sos-access-key"
  operations = ["get-sos-object", "list-sos-bucket"]
  resources  = ["sos/bucket:my-bucket"]

resource "exoscale_iam_access_key" "my_sks_access_key" {
  name = "my-sks-access-key"
  tags = ["sks"]

Please refer to the examples directory for complete configuration examples.

-> NOTE: You can retrieve the list of available operations and tags using the Exoscale CLI: exo iam access-key list-operations.



  • name (String) ❗ The IAM access key name.


  • operations (Set of String) ❗ A list of API operations to restrict the key to.
  • resources (Set of String) ❗ A list of API resources to restrict the key to (<domain>/<type>:<name>).
  • tags (Set of String) ❗ A list of tags to restrict the key to.
  • timeouts (Block, Optional) (see below for nested schema)


  • id (String) The ID of this resource.
  • key (String, Sensitive) The IAM access key (identifier).
  • secret (String, Sensitive) The key secret.
  • tags_operations (Set of String)

Nested Schema for timeouts


  • create (String)
  • delete (String)
  • read (String)

-> The symbol ❗ in an attribute indicates that modifying it, will force the creation of a new resource.