exoscale_sks_cluster (Resource)

Manage Exoscale Scalable Kubernetes Service (SKS) Clusters.

Example Usage

resource "exoscale_sks_cluster" "my_sks_cluster" {
  zone = "ch-gva-2"
  name = "my-sks-cluster"

output "my_sks_cluster_endpoint" {
  value = exoscale_sks_cluster.my_sks_cluster.endpoint

Next step is to attach exoscale_sks_nodepool(s) to the cluster.

Please refer to the examples directory for complete configuration examples.



  • name (String) The SKS cluster name.
  • zone (String) ❗ The Exoscale Zone name.


  • addons (Set of String, Deprecated)
  • auto_upgrade (Boolean) Enable automatic upgrading of the control plane version.
  • cni (String) The CNI plugin that is to be used. Available options are “calico” or “cilium”. Defaults to “calico”. Setting empty string will result in a cluster with no CNI.
  • description (String) A free-form text describing the cluster.
  • exoscale_ccm (Boolean) Deploy the Exoscale Cloud Controller Manager in the control plane (boolean; default: true; may only be set at creation time).
  • exoscale_csi (Boolean) Deploy the Exoscale Container Storage Interface on worker nodes (boolean; default: false; requires the CCM to be enabled).
  • labels (Map of String) A map of key/value labels.
  • metrics_server (Boolean) Deploy the Kubernetes Metrics Server in the control plane (boolean; default: true; may only be set at creation time).
  • oidc (Block List, Max: 1) An OpenID Connect configuration to provide to the Kubernetes API server (may only be set at creation time). Structure is documented below. (see below for nested schema)
  • service_level (String) The service level of the control plane (pro or starter; default: pro; may only be set at creation time).
  • timeouts (Block, Optional) (see below for nested schema)
  • version (String) The version of the control plane (default: latest version available from the API; see exo compute sks versions for reference; may only be set at creation time).


  • aggregation_ca (String) The CA certificate (in PEM format) for TLS communications between the control plane and the aggregation layer (e.g. metrics-server).
  • control_plane_ca (String) The CA certificate (in PEM format) for TLS communications between control plane components.
  • created_at (String) The cluster creation date.
  • endpoint (String) The cluster API endpoint.
  • id (String) The SKS cluster ID.
  • kubelet_ca (String) The CA certificate (in PEM format) for TLS communications between kubelets and the control plane.
  • nodepools (Set of String) The list of exoscale_sks_nodepool (IDs) attached to the cluster.
  • state (String) The cluster state.

Nested Schema for oidc


  • client_id (String) The OpenID client ID.
  • issuer_url (String) The OpenID provider URL.


  • groups_claim (String) An OpenID JWT claim to use as the user’s group.
  • groups_prefix (String) An OpenID prefix prepended to group claims.
  • required_claim (Map of String) A map of key/value pairs that describes a required claim in the OpenID Token.
  • username_claim (String) An OpenID JWT claim to use as the user name.
  • username_prefix (String) An OpenID prefix prepended to username claims.

Nested Schema for timeouts


  • create (String)
  • delete (String)
  • read (String)
  • update (String)

-> The symbol ❗ in an attribute indicates that modifying it, will force the creation of a new resource.


An existing SKS cluster may be imported by <ID>@<zone>:

terraform import \
  exoscale_sks_cluster.my_sks_cluster \

~> NOTE: Importing an exoscale_sks_cluster resource does not import related exoscale_sks_nodepool resources.