Templates Commercial Requirements

Commercial Requirements for Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) Templates


In order to provide the best customer experience for your product, you need to provide a master license key that is embedded in your template.

Exoscale customer feedback shows that individual license keys create additional hurdles in the purchasing process and frustrate customers. We will take measures to secure your image by preventing downloads through the Snapshot feature.


You need to provide prices or license packages per machine type. You can check our overview of available machine types as a reference. Make sure to clearly state these prices on your product page.

Exoscale supports the following billing models:

  • hourly pay per use
  • fixed monthly subscriptions
  • one-time charges

Due to the nature of our business and our customer target group, the preferred billing model is hourly billing.


You can provide the possibility of a trial period for your product, in which the usage is not billed to the customer. Preferred trial periods are 7 or 14 days, but please check with us to confirm availability.

Commercial requirements for Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) templates

For BYOL templates, there are no further commercial requirements - delivering the template and the content for your Marketplace product page is sufficient.