Each resource, unless noted otherwise, is billed by the exact time or unit of metering you consume. Your credit status is updated every hour. Most resources are metered on exact consumption usage or up to the minute.

Exoscale supports CHF, EUR or USD currencies.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards supporting 3D Secure payment verification. We also accept PayPal (Pre-Paid Mode only).

Billing Modes

The following billing modes are available:

  • Pre-paid billing with credit card or PayPal
  • Post-paid billing with credit card
  • Post-paid billing with wire transfer

Pre-paid Billing

You add funds to your organization before consuming resources. When your organization balance reaches zero, the organization is suspended. Make sure to keep the credit in your account topped up to avoid suspension.

Post-paid Billing with Credit Card

You register one ore more credit cards and consume resources freely. Every month, we automatically charge your credit card marked default for the amount you have consumed.

Post-paid Billing with Wire Transfer

Established companies with a proved line of credit can request access to post-paid billing with wire transfer after a manual vetting process. Every month, we will issue an invoice to your company.


For Pre-paid Billing mode invoices are sent via email immediately after the payment has been successfully processed.

For Post-Paid Billing mode, both with Credit Card and Wire Transfer, invoices are sent monthly based on your registration date (eg if you register on the 2nd of September you will receive future invoices every 2nd of the respective month).

In Post-paid Billing with Credit Card, invoices are sent 3 days prior to the withdrawal of the invoiced amount from your credit card.

Please note, that Wire invoices are NOT automatically charged from your bank account. You will need to manually pay Wire invoices within 10 days after invoice date.

Change Billing Mode

If you are in pre-paid billing mode, you can move to post-paid by credit card mode by registering a credit card in the Credit Card Management view. For post-paid by wire transfer please open a support ticket.

If you are in any post-paid billing mode (card or wire transfer), you can move to any other mode by contacting our support team.

Low Credit Notification

Pre-paid accounts have the ability to set a threshold at which they will be alerted about their credit being too low, in order to be able to recharge before being suspended. The default is set to 15 CHF/EUR/USD (depending on your currency).

Credit Cards

Credit card details are safely stored by our payment processing partner: Adyen. Exoscale does not store credit card details.

You can manage your credit cards and add a new one in the Credit Card Management view.

When adding a new credit card, remember to set it as default in your credit card list if you want it to be your default payment method.

When in post-paid by credit card mode, paying an invoice manually will also save your credit card for future use.

Products Billing


Exoscale Compute pricing is split between instance pricing and disk pricing. This allows you to mix and match CPU, RAM and disk profiles to get the best value.

We do not charge you for:

  • inbound traffic
  • support for data portability or reversibility

Billing of powered off machines

Powered off machines will only be charged for resources still in use. Therefore, we will continue to charge your account for the volume attached to your instance. During the trial period, computing resources are charged even when the machines are stopped. This behavior is converted to the default behavior on first payment.

Billing of network usage

The bandwidth is billed hourly and takes the number of machines running during the last one-hour period.

There are 1.42 GB of output bandwidth for free per machine. If a machine does not use its free tier, it is reported on other running machines of the same organization. So, with 5 machines running during the last hour, there are 7.1 GB of free output bandwidth. The exceeding bandwidth is billed.

bandwidth billing

When credit runs out

When your credit goes below 15 CHF/EUR/USD, you receive an email notification. If you don’t add credit and your credit runs out, your machines will be stopped and your account will be suspended. You will not be able to start your machines until you add credit to your funds.

While your account is suspended, negative credit will continue to add up, as you are charged for the volume attached to your instance.

When you add credit, you need to add enough to have a positive account balance to start your instance again.

If you choose to not add credit, all your instances will be removed after several weeks and reminders.


Exoscale Storage pricing is simple:

  • 0.0198 CHF/EUR/USD per GB stored
  • 0.0200 CHF/EUR/USD per GB of networking out

There is no other charge.

So if you store a 1 GB file it will only cost you 0.0198 CHF/EUR/USD. Retrieving the file will cost you 0.0200 CHF/EUR/USD.


Exoscale DNS has three available subscriptions:

  • Small: 1 CHF/EUR/USD per month for 1 DNS zone
  • Medium: 5 CHF/EUR/USD per month for 10 DNS zones
  • Large: 25 CHF/EUR/USD per month for 50 DNS zones

You are billed at monthly intervals. You can upgrade and downgrade your subscription at any time, and you will be charged in proportion to your usage.

As an example, if you subscribe to a DNS plan for 10 days and then unsubscribe, you will be charged 10/30th of the price.


We are offering different support plans to suit customers requirements:

  • Built-In: included for all customers
  • Starter: 100 CHF/EUR/USD per month
  • Pro: 500 CHF/EUR/USD per month
  • Enterprise: 5% usage IAAS (min. 2‘500 CHF/EUR/USD) per month

Check your current support plan or subscribe to advanced support plans via the Portal.